In New York State, a village is an “incorporated municipality” subject to provisions of the General Village Law. The chief executive officer of most of the 556 villages in New York State is the Mayor. Lloyd Harbor Village’s all volunteer government consists of a Mayor and Board of Trustees, along with the various Boards and Commissions in the Village: Site and Building Permit Review Board, Planning Board, Board of Zoning Appeals, Harbor Control Commission, Recreation Commission, and Conservation Board.
The legislative body of a village is the Board of Trustees, which in our Village is composed of the Mayor and six Trustees. The Board of Trustees meet the third Monday of each month (except for January, February, and August) at Village Hall.
Elected public officials in our Village are the Mayor, Trustees, and the Village Justice, each for four-year terms, which are staggered. The Village Justice is responsible for administration of the Village Justice Court (zoning violations, etc.). Elections are on the third Tuesday of June, and terms of office begin at noon on the first Monday of July after elections.
Appointed public officials in our Village include: Acting Village Justice, Clerk-Treasurer, Assessor, Village Attorney, Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Clerk, Highway Superintendent, Police Commissioner, Village Engineer, Building Inspector, and members of the Board of Zoning Appeals, Site and Building Permit Review Board, Planning Board, Conservation Board, Recreation Commission, and Harbor Control Commission. The Mayor, Trustees, Justices, and members of Boards and Commissions, are all resident volunteers.
Site and Building Permit Review Board: The Village Site and Building Permit Review Board consists of five (5) members and two alternates appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Trustees. All applications for building permits, site plans etc. are reviewed and approved by the Board. The Site and Building Permit Review Board meets monthly on the fourth Monday of each month (except August and December). Completed applications need to be received at least 30 days in advance of the meeting to be considered.
Planning Board: The Village Planning Board consists of seven (7) members. The Planning Board reviews and approves applications, subdivision plans and special use permits. The Planning Board also has an advisory function, which includes the authority to make reports and investigations in connection with the planning and development of the Village and preservation of open space. The Planning Board meets monthly (the second Thursday of each month).
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA): Zoning is the basic and most significant of all land use controls. The Board of Trustees is responsible for adoption of all zoning laws and amendments. The BZA can hear two types of appeals to a decision by an administrative body, such as the Planning Board or Building Inspector. The BZA will consider an appeal to grant a specific variance from a zoning provision, or an appeal seeking an interpretation of a zoning law. The BZA cannot amend or set aside zoning ordinances or laws. If problems are found with a zoning law, the BZA can advise the Board of Trustees and recommend changes. The BZA in our Village consists of five (5) members (five year terms) and an alternate appointed by the Mayor with approval of the Trustees. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
The Board of Trustees (legislative body) cannot grant variances to zoning ordinances or hear appeals for interpretations of the zoning law, but it can amend ordinances. The Trustees cannot change, modify, or overturn a decision by the BZA.
Recreation Commission: The Village Recreation Commission consists of seven (7) members and one alternate appointed by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees. The Commission is responsible for the administration of the Park and recreation activities. The Commission has the power to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the operation and maintenance of the Park, issuance of park permits, designation of recreation areas and operation of the Summer Camp.
Harbor Master and Harbor Control Commission: The Harbor Master is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is responsible for the issuance of use permits for vessels, regulation of mooring facilities in Lloyd Harbor, and directing boat patrolling of waterways by Bay Constables. For more information on moorings and vessel use permits, call Village Hall at 549-8893.
The Harbor Control Commission consists of five (5) members, appointed for one- year terms. They are responsible for oversight of Village waterways and implementation of the Harbor Control Plan.
The Village operates a Patrol Boat with constables during the summer season. Daily patrols are made of Lloyd Harbor and Cold Spring Harbor (weekdays only). By mutual agreement, the Town of Huntington patrols Cold Spring Harbor on weekends.
Moorings in Lloyd Harbor require “Use Permits” from the Harbor Master.
Conservation Board: Preservation of the trees, fields, beaches, wetlands, wildlife and designated conservation easement areas adds immeasurably to the value of our properties. The nine member Conservation Board (appointed for annual terms) is responsible for the maintenance of this collective environmental heritage. The Village has retained a consulting arborist who is responsible for the review of building plans for significant changes and for subdivisions.
Sponsored activities include educational symposia on landscape-related-topics at Banbury Center, land and tree health awareness sessions for builders and tree contractors who want to work in the Village, beach cleanups, and conservation columns in the Village Record.
Members meet monthly on the second Monday of the month, at Village Hall, and welcome resident participation. Members may also serve the community as tree cutting permit agents and are required to be trained in tree health and identification. The Village Local Laws on tree cutting and arborist licensing are under the Conservation Board’s supervision.